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Eccles Town Hall
Salford CVS event

E.C.H.O. is the acronym for Eccles Community Hall Organisation and we are a group of volunteers working to refurbish, maintain and run part of Eccles Town Hall which has been leased to us by Salford City Council for 25 years, and is located in the centre of Eccles. We are a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1152625

Eccles Community Choir

OUR AIM is to encourage use of the hall by groups throughout the area and to promote an interest in the arts, culture and the local heritage of Eccles. We hope that providing space and facilities in this magnificent venue will nurture friendships, make us fitter (both physically and mentally), reinforce a sense of pride in our town – and be fun!

art exhibition

HALL USE: The Hall is used by local community groups for many varied events;
Musical Concerts – Theatrical and Choral Productions – Meetings – Lectures – Art Exhibitions – Displays – Dances etc.
We do not have the capacity at present to take bookings for weddings, christenings or parties.

The Ballroom
The Ballroom
Balcony seating
Balcony seating

The Hall in General Use

Queen's Award for Voluntary Service logo


If you would like to receive our monthly email Newsletter telling you all about forthcoming events at the Town Hall, then please email us at enquiries and we will put you on the data-base to receive it.

painting of Eccles Town Hall

Thank you to Kualo for supplying Free charity hosting